If you have had any kind of issues with your dental implants and the surrounding gum tissues, such as inflammation or irritation, a minimally invasive laser dentistry procedure known as LAPIP™ may help. Please call our office in Monroe, CT, for an evaluation at (203) 268-2000.
The gums and connective tissues around your dental implants may grow irritated and infected over time. This is known as peri-implantitis, and is an extremely uncomfortable situation that must be addressed. Without intervention from a trained periodontist, you may be at risk of losing your dental implants and/or causing lasting problems for the affected area.
Two of the biggest advantages to the LAPIP™ laser dentistry treatment for peri-implantitis are its cost-saving elements and its long-term results. Because the LAPIP™ protocol is thorough and trusted, patients are seeing positive outcomes that last. Only trained periodontists, like Dr. Richard Amato, are able to offer the LAPIP™ procedure. Find out if you could benefit from LAPIP™ laser dentistry today!
At Advanced Periodontics and Implant Center of Connecticut, we put patient comfort first. That is one of the reasons we are so excited to offer the LAPIP™ protocol. This revolutionary method to deal with peri-implantitis (infection of the soft tissues around dental implants) uses laser dentistry. Not only is it proven and safe, but most patients find it to be a very comfortable procedure.
We know that your dental implants were an investment in your health. Make every effort to keep them working for you by finding out about LAPIP™ treatment at the first sign of problems.